Eugene Lodge No. 11 - 2777 MLK Jr. BLVD., Eugene OR 97401
Master Mason Only Lecture.
Eugene Lodge No. 11 - 2777 MLK Jr. BLVD., Eugene OR 97401
Flagstaff Lodge #7 107 E. Birch Ave, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
The Tetragrammaton, the Lost Word - This lecture explores the entire concept of the Lost Word. What it is, the divine secret, it's history i...
Flagstaff Lodge #7 107 E. Birch Ave, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Just traveling to attend this famous Cave Degree!
Springfield, IL
Having a Blast!
Springfield, IL
Indianapolis, IN
This fun and intriguing exploration defines cultural and religious ideas of life and death, examines the science behind the world we live i...
Indianapolis, IN
An examination of Freemasonry as it existed in the days that lead up to America's decree of independence. Exclusive rare documents will blow your mind!
This presentation goes through the "who, what and where" of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis. Decadent, scandalous and finally, irregular! This presentation is wonderful for lodges looking for interesting history within the Fraternity.
Freemasons and occultists fondly speak of and revere this apparent titan of the mystical. This presentation exposes him for who he was....
Many know that Paul Case was a prolific writer and interpreter of the Tarot. His life of service to man goes largely unknown and uncelebrated. Here, we aim to change that.
I'll explore the legend of the Ark of the Covenant, historical facts, its relationship to Freemasonry, and of course, its occult significance.
In this lecture, we explore the elements of the Chamber of Reflection. We talk about why they aren't in use any longer. We look at our Grand Lodge stance on the topic and figure out just what we can do in order to make the candidate experience even better.
In this lecture, we explore the literal interpretations of Adam from Genesis, his relation to Freemasonry and have an exploration of just where his body could be found today!
Where did we come from really? What is the purpose of our existence? What is the divine revelation of our ritual? In this keynote address, we explore all these things, and by the end--you'll be ready to work with your lodge and change the world.
The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche changed the world. His approach to individual responsibility and the progress of humanity was stark and uncomforting at times. His idea of a "Perfected Man" the Übermensch, can almost be seen as blasphemous within religious circles, similarly--making oneself better through experience and perspective is exactly what Freemasonry calls us to do and is in simpatico with religious viewpoints. In this lecture--we'll explore these concepts and their interrelations. Buckle up!
Designed to be a beginning look into the deeper mysteries of Freemasonry. Ideal for a lodge that needs exposure to the concept of "esoteric Masonry". Schools of wisdom, hidden symbolism and hints at an ultimate Revelation are explored.
This lecture explores the entire concept of the Lost Word. What it is, the divine secret, it's history in countless religions and dares to bridge the gap between myth and science. In this lecture we begin to dive into the world of quantum physics where we find a key to the Lost Word and finally another key to the Revelation.
This fun and intriguing exploration defines cultural and religious ideas of life and death, examines the science behind the world we live in and what we perceive as reality. Myths, dogma, mathematical theory and proven science converge, giving the audience proof positive through Aristotelian method, of infinite consciousness, life after death, and even manifesting reality. By the end of this lecture, you'll have no doubt of how to achieve immortality in the truest sense.
This presentation will show the similarities that exist between Freemasonry and Tarot. Both arts aim to make a person better through a system of contemplation and action. We're not divining or conjuring anything but our own good works!
In this original presentation developed for SRICF, I discuss the vision of John of Patmos and the End of Times. We'll also examine additional points of view driven by the looking at cosmology and the beginnings of time.
In this one, I focus on what you need to do to establish yourself as an authority in Masonic writing. Pitfalls to avoid. How to stop critiques before they happen.
This lecture teaches lodges what's needed and what's seen as important in the 21st century in Freemasonry. How to connect, how to be seen, how to be discovered and staying relevant in the digital world. Optional work shops on social media, web site creation etc can be scheduled.
A brief reading and education followed by a group discussion or roundtable, in which we will discuss the process of initiation, and what exactly changes within us after an initiation. Is it like a light switch? A gradual change? Or something else?
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